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The Age of Automation and Autonomy is Here!


Remember the Jetson's cartoon from the 1960s? Did you ever think ... how cool would it be to have Rosie the Robot come over and clean your house. Or, to have a robotic machine that dresses you, combs your hair and for the women, apples makeup?


Imagining total automation and what everything would be like in a robotic age,

made this cartoon a fun conversation piece and a memorable vision of awe

and wonder. 

The technology trends for 2025 will require business executives to strategize, develop a plan and budget for these new technologies and embrace the personified bot, to stay competitive in the future. 
  • CEOs should prepare now for gen AI, as this will act autonomously on behalf of the people and the systems on which they work. 

  • All will need to refine and redefine relationships with trust.

  • AI means a new autonomy for systems, and opportunities will be lost, unless business leaders earn enough trust from employees and consumers to engage with AIs unprecedented capabilities. 

  • What does this mean exactly? Simply put, techs can build cognitive digital brains with AI and can hard-code workflows, institutional knowledge, value chains, social interactions and other data into a system that understands and acts as its own governing body at a higher level than before.

  • Executives who move towards the AI autonomy model for their company systems,

      will have more cyber protection and limitless possibilities beyond what any

      human brain could provide.

Here's What's Happening and What to Expect ...

What’s happening is the functionality of augmented software is being fundamentally altered because AI allows users to interact with complex software through natural language.

Plan for the three A’s to take you through the next decade: 

1. Abundance is going to drive down cost and time of a digital system creation. 

2. Abstraction will transform technology to expand who can use it and how. 

3. Autonomy will emerge frictionless, intent-based systems and require a new

    approach to system development and training. 

Major ?s and What Executives Think

1. Will the apps we use now become obsolete?

2. Will we have to deal with an AI agent/bot directly?

3. How will this keep customers happy and not dilute the service of the brand or customer experience?

Here's what executives think: 

80% chatbots that sound alike create differentiation challenges

77% their organization will need to proactively build trust between personified AI and their customers

95% establishing and maintaining a consistent personality and intent will be crucial to the customer-facing AI agent

68% report a need to upskill/reskill employees in AI tools and technologies

75% believe building trust with employees is the only way organizations will be able to fully capture the benefits of automation enabled by AI. 

How Does a Personified AI Chatbot Work? 

A personified AI chatbot, will take on the influencer’s role, build trust by taking relevant actions and leverage digital tools to meet the need of the customer on their terms. This can build and nurture trusted relationships with customers autonomously and manage thousands of conversations at once. 


A robotic technological future includes bots with generalist brains, who can learn to navigate new environments, connect with people and think through problems autonomously. And, this means the time has come to reimagine your business for the future. Personified bots will have an impact on your business, expand customer reach and boost competition like never before.


We used to imagine a robotic age, and now that it's arrived, the process sounds a bit scary, but unlike traditional top-down automation, this approach can unlock new skills, boost engagement and fuel innovation. Businesses will be able to achieve exponential innovation and growth by distributing AI and empowering employees with autonomy. The AI approach liberates human potential and fosters a company culture where employees are a part of the businesses innovation and growth. 

Do you have an Action Plan?

What will be your strategy and approach? 

Remember, Windows 10 will not be supported by Office 365 as of October 2025.

Mandatory updates to Windows 11 for FTC and HIPAA.

Call or email Doug for more info.

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