MacGyver to the Rescue!
Do you ever have one of those days when nothing seems to be working properly. And, you wish you could call MacGyver to come over and fix everything once and for all.
Good news! ... MacGyver can come over and fix everything, and all you have to do is call ITC! That's right, ITC staff can fix anything and everything, and we respond from the moment you call and work quickly. We are the MacGyver of IT!
The world of IT used to be very different, as was the way our techs were trained to problem solve.
Doug "MacGyver" Clark
How the MacGyver of IT Does it All!
Today, IT is ever-changing, and we have to continually update our standards, knowledge base and learn how to fix everything when we go to a client site.
Hackers are smarter, most of technology is App-based, and the standards for IT and what we must to do resolve issues is a broader spectrum of fixing not just random IT problems, but compliancy and well, everything, really.
We will even call a vendor for you, so you don't have to troubleshoot with an App or technology that is not working properly.
We can look at everything you have in your setup and make sure that all things function compatibly and are updated to the latest version.
Think about this ... your vehicle needs 3-4 hours of maintenance every 10,000 miles to run properly and keep you safe on the road all year long. So, how often do you maintain and update all of the technology it takes to keep business running smoothly and cyber safe year 'round? And, if you add or update, are you sure all will work with what didn't get updated or replaced?
This sounds like a job for MacGyver! Call ITC, they can fix everything! Let ITC be your MacGyver! This way all you have to do is go to work and do your job with no worries. They'll come fix everything anytime you need, so you have zero stress or down time from conducting business as usual.